It should be light. There should be music and enough space to hang prints on the wall to work on edits. Ideally, I should be able to see the sky when looking out the window.
Music, light, a good sofa to read and sleep on.
More important than the space is the light and the quality of time spent with the person I photograph. If I can make someone feel comfortable while being photographed and I feel we’re off to a day of collaboration, interesting images usually follow wherever we may be.
I enjoy making images of women or, more generally, about ideas of femininity from what I understand to be a feminist perspective. As long as we live in more or less patriarchal societies, I feel it is necessary to do that. We need more feminist work, sound, understanding and power in the sense of equality for all - by women, men and anyone in-between.
I have always observed people, and the camera is a good way to keep on doing so while preserving these observations to formulate a stance.
My brain works best when I walk, so I go for walks whenever possible, often with my dog. I listen to music, I see exhibitions and hanging out with my friends and/or seeing their work is always nice.
Safe, doubtful, megalomaniac, loud, my own, silent, humourous, concentrated, energetic & tired.